The Grumpy Cyclist @ TTDI, Kuala Lumpur

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Posted by : MeCoffeyJourney July 09, 2014

~ Shut up tired legs with a cuppa ~

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Cars run on money and makes you fat, while bicycle runs on fat and saves you money, enough to get a morning cup of joe. :)
The Grumpy Cyclist is located facing TTDI's Jalan Datuk Sulaiman.
Every morning along TTDI's Jalan Datuk Sulaiman, you will usually be able to spot cyclists pedaling their prized bicycles until their legs are tired, and when you are tired, you get grumpy. Luckily there is a cafe along this road that no only serves good coffee to take away the grumpiness, but is also thoughtful enough to serve as a bicycle workshop. Way to encourage the locals here to put the fun between their legs! :)
Bicycles are the main decorations here at The Grumpy Cyclist.
The Grumpy Cyclist opens at 8am every morning (except Tuesday) to cater to the morning cyclists, and opens till as late at 11pm for cyclists who enjoy the night ride. This cafe is very bikers friendly that they even provide some bicycle stands for you to park your ride in here.

Similar to Garage 51, The Grumpy Cyclist has a shipyard container in the cafe. But instead of a kitchen, The Grumpy Cyclist modifies the container into a bicycle garage. All sorts of services are provided here to pamper your precious rides, including bike therapy, brake / gear tuning, tyre / tube change, and bike consultation / setup. 
Bicycle garage in a container.
Ever experience having your breakfast in a bicycle garage? There is a table in the garage if you are interested to dine and sip your morning doze here, so grab it while its empty!
Outdoor area facing Jalan Datuk Sulaiman.
There are outdoor sits for fresh air seekers and smokers alike (check out the gear-shaped ashtray). There is also a sign saying that 'unattended children will be given espresso'. How you wish you are a child now, lucky kids! :P

Food & Beverage:
Now non-cyclists have reasons to visit The Grumpy Cyclist too, one of them being the fine coffee! Patrons can choose from two different blends: The Sumatran Mandheling or the Fazenda Passeio. Both have their own distinct taste and are pretty good, thus I recommend you to try both if you can handle your caffeine. :)
Espresso-based coffee powered by the white beauty La Marzocco.
Coffee here is powered by La Marzocco coffee machine, serving all the usual espresso-based coffee.
Cappuccino (top right), Mocha (bottom left), and Flat White (bottom right).
After pushing their limits, cyclists need to recharge with a wholesome meal right? The Grumpy Cyclist serves a variety of breakfast choices and main courses, including pastas, salads and wraps. 

You did cycle for miles right? There's your excuse to enjoy something sweet instead by trying the cakes and desserts here. :) 
The Gran Fondo - big breakfast with sunny eggs (top) and Oliver James - scrambled eggs and toast (bottom).

Cozy hipster cafe with a bicycle theme that actually benefits the patrons, with bicycle-related services. Ever wanted to give up during a cycling journey? Just think of the exquisite coffee you will reward yourself at The Grumpy Cyclist after reaching your cycling goals and ask your legs to shut up! :)
'Life is like riding a bicycle: you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling.' - Claude Pepper

Scan or click on the  QR Code to get directions to this café via Google Map
Latitude: 3.141815 
Longitude: 101.629603

Wi-Fi: -

Payment: -

Smoking Area: Available

Main Course: Available

Vegetarian: -

The Grumpy Cyclist
36, Jalan Datuk Sulaiman, 
Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
60000 Kuala Lumpur, 
Tel: +6 03-7731 1400
Instagram: #thegrumpycyclist

Operating Hours:
Monday : 08.00 am ~ 11.00 pm
Tuesday : Off day
Wednesday - Sunday : 08.00 am ~ 11.00 pm

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